Thursday, 19 February 2009

Brad Pitt is a scary old dude

I watched the Brad Pitt movie, Benjamin Buttons, last night. Of course I cried. My daughter who came with me thought I was wimpy and in her words "it wasn't even sad". I cry at X-Factor losers though so it doesn't take much to get me going.

I have to say that seeing Brad Pitt as a little old man was quite disturbing. I'm never going to look at him in the same way again and, quite frankly, I'm relieved Angelina's got him!! Not a bad film but in my view a bit too long and quite depressing to see all those really old peoople dying all over the place.

There, that's enough of the review. Perhaps we should review our own lives in the same way? You know, "oh the middle bit was way too boring" etc. If we did we might stop and do something else with it. All thata's been on my mind for the last six months or so now though is how to earn more money... hmmm... the Law of Attraction sounds like fun but I want to know who it has worked for, and what their successes have been.

Who's out there anyway? Is anybody actually reading this? I'd like to know.

Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Mum's Taxi

Well, here I am, up in the middle of the night, a Godforsaken hour (whatever that means because it's actually quite nice in the dark and the quiet).

It's something like a 40 minute trip each way to the airport to take my daughter back to Tenerife and then I hope I can get back to sleep. Yawn.

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Life is a Thought

I had a very intersting conversation yesterday. My friend Nick said to me, "Thoughts are the only way we can prove we exist". Now, I'm not a heavy philosopher, most BIG questions are really too BIG for my comprehension, but I think that statement sounds very true.

If we didn't have any thoughts we wouldn't have any knowing or awareness, and no memories either. In part, we are our memories - memories are active thoughts. Once we think something, that thought is stored somewhere and then comes back, sometimes over and over again, as a memory. So, to change our thoughts really is to change our lives.

I believe you can think yourself to success or failure. For example, if you put a 2" by 4" plank of wood on the ground and walked the length of it, most people would do it with no problem at all. That's because you thought it would be easy. If you put the same plank of wood high up, on a 25ft piece of scaffolding for example, most people could not walk across it, and many would fall off. The plank of wood is the same size, but the big difference is that you thought it would be difficult. So, you think something is difficult and it invariably is. By using this to your advantage, you can change your thoughts in wonderful ways and make your life so much more successful and richer than it is.