Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Random Thoughts

Just thought I would blog a little this evening... it's been so long. Latest film I saw was "Up". I'd heard great reviews and it was a nice film but as for the 3D element... I am confused. Last time I watched a 3D film it was at the IMAX in London. That was amazing. 3D right up in the air floating just in front of your eyes. It seems to me that this technology in normal cinemas has a long way to go.

What else is new? Well, I am still working hard. I'm studying, working, being a mum, and committed to my farm on Farmtown... (yes, sad I know). Still, there seems to be something out there just waiting for me... intangible, unformed... special. I'm kinda restless and waiting to be challenged, but in a nice way because I have had enough of the rubbish.

How do we find our challenges? Well, in the people that we meet - and right now I am opening my circle of friends up to new elements so we shall see what happens there, and also by tasks we set ourselves. I've got one or two of them two. And of course, we always need time for a sleep.. zzzzzz zzzz

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